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Updated: Jan 22, 2021

I have an entire database of the riots and seditious activity logged, which I have converted from my own GIS system to kmz files. For those who use Google Earth Pro, you should be able to download these files and import them into your google earth. Whereby you will be able to continue your own research into the intentional communist destruction of our country.

I am releasing this data because the MAGA movement has been declared by the corporate owned media as terrorists in light of the false flag operation carried out by what I believe to be ANTIFA. ANTIFA is a known terrorist's organization, recognized as such by many nations around the world.

Each incident is linked to geolocation and local, and national headlines. I was in the process of linking these in my database to photo's and social media accounts. That part of my database is removed at this time.

The files are split up by month from May to December of 2020. Its an interactive map that many of you can use for research and analysis.

THERE ARE ROUGHLY 20,000 INCIDENTS RECOREDED IN 2020!! 90% of them are related to BLM or ANTIFFA. Im hoping to tie this information into property damage and the poor people who have lost their businesses.

I hope this data finds you well, and you are able to help me STOP the communist takeover of our country. Godspeed to all who stand for truth.




I translated a county shape file to go with this. As seen below.

If anyone has problems or comments shoot me an email.

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